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Andra Vltavin

There are a number of problems facing Portland in 2024, but none of them present as big a danger as impending climate catastrophes.

Upon being elected to serve on City Council for District 4, Andra will work to improve the long-term and day-to-day experience of Portlanders without sacrificing environmental efforts.

Climate-forward solutions that benefit everyone

Intersectional Justice and Resilience Begins Locally

Collective Empowerment

Representative government leaves much to be desired. To bridge the gap this government system creates, I will seek out other LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC voices, especially those of our local tribes, to make sure all perspectives are included in any and all decisions City Council makes. I also stand for participatory budgeting measures that would allow Portland residents to directly determine how to spend portions of government funds.

To ensure that future generations have a safe and healthy place to live, we must all take action to reverse human-caused climate change.

The best way to do that is to tackle environmental issues on a local level, which is why I am running for city government.

Evidence-based Solutions

Making decisions that affect large systems of people, resources, and ecosystems means seeking out and listening to expert opinions. Before spending any government funds, I will weigh the value of each proposed solution and the data that supports it. With a systems-minded perspective to see how all of the moving parts work together, I will make decisions that prioritize the long-term interests of all involved.

Transparent Strategies

The people of Portland have frequently called their representatives, protested decisions, and voted for change only for members of City Council to act against the will of the people, especially when faced with pressures from the fossil fuel industry. This is not how democracy should work. I adamantly refuse to cave to large business interests and will keep Portland residents informed at every step of the process.

Hear Andra Vltavín, Sarah Silkie, and Jeremy Smith discuss their positions on local climate issues, housing, and neighborhood association funding.

Andra Vltavin

I don’t know everything, and I know that many of Portland’s incredible nonprofits, co-ops, mutual aid groups, and community support networks have been filling in the gaps that City government currently leaves. They know far better than most what help and support their communities need. That’s where we, as candidates, need to listen.

In bridging relationships with these community-oriented groups, I am creating a network of resilience and strategy that starts from the ground up.

I want to hear your priorities and what your organization has been working on. Let’s build the city we want to live in!

Listen. Learn. Lead.

Photo taken by Andra Vltavín

Small Dollar, No Dollar

Photo taken by Andra Vltavín

We’ve seen the havoc that big money politics wreaks on our society. With the switch to ranked-choice voting, we have a real opportunity to get the people we actually want in office.

That’s why I’m running my campaign on less than $1,000. I would so much rather my supporters donate to local mutual aid efforts such as Portland Mutual Aid Network or charities. It’s more impactful to support me through word-of-mouth efforts and social media. Just talk to people!

I want to show that it’s possible for a candidate without funding to win or at least get a significant portion of the vote. Our county voter pamphlet is unique and represents true democracy in action. Let it speak for itself!